Special diets are lifestyle changes. When faced with disease or medical body issues you can get depressed and even want to give up. As you are undergoing treatment for your condition, or even after you heal, you need to take care of your body by eating right, and exercising whenever you can. Eating the right foods can give you that extra strength you need to help fight the disease or body condition. Below are some special diets and tips to help you. Do not give up-you will make it!


A Cancer Diet is very restrictive. Cancer cells thrive in an acidic environment, so you need to avoid acidic foods and drinks, and foods and drinks that when digested produce acid. For example, water is the best drink because it is an alkaline (opposite of acid) and has a pH level of 7 meaning it’s neutral. Wine on the other hand has a very high pH level of 3.5 so avoid it. Note: pH levels range from 0 to 14. Zero is the most acidic while 14 is a base or alkaline. Eating right during Cancer Treatments like Chemotherapy is very important. Here are some Lifestyle changes to help manage Cancer.

• Wash your produce foods, especially fruits and vegetables which many people forget to clean.
• Lose weight start by aiming at losing 10 pounds, and then go for more if your Body Mass Index(BMI) is higher that required.
• Take a daily Multivitamin.
• Increase your daily Calcium.
• Drink four or more cups of coffee or tea daily, the caffeine helps fight Cancer.
• Drink plenty of water daily, at least half your weight to dilute the toxins.
• Avoid bottled water. Drink filtered Tap water it has less chemicals.
• Watch how much Folic acid you're taking. Do not exceed the required 1000 mcg daily intake.
• Eat Brazil nuts, they have Selenium, a great antioxidant.
• There've been rumors that Cell phones are dangerous. It's TRUE, too much Cell phone use is indeed dangerous. Use an Ear piece or bluetooth to reduce your risk.
• Avoid CT Scans, these are worse than X-rays as they have more radiation.
• Protect yourself from the Sun. Use a skin protector lotion with a high SPF for better protection.

• Processed Foods & Condiments
• Dairy Foods like, Milk, Cream & Cheese
• Sugar & Artificial Sweeteners
• Trans Fats e.g. in cooking oils.
• Fried foods
• Fatty foods
• Junk food
• Spicy foods• Red Meat
• Refined Flour, (White & Wheat)
• Eggs
• Bread
• Rice(White & Brown)
• Pasta
• Potatoes
• Tomatoes
• All Cereals & Oats
• Chicken & Turkey
• Legumes & All Beans, Peas & Lentils.
• Most Seafood like Fish, Tuna, Shrimp, Salmon & Lobster
• Fruits like & Blueberries, Cranberries, Plums, Prunes, & Canned fruits
• Salt
• Margarine & Butter
• All Nuts, especially Brazilian nuts which are high in Selenium, a great antioxidant
• Chocolate
• Coffee
• All Sodas
• All Alcohol
• Also all Tobacco & Cigarettes

Note: This is just a short list. There are many foods that should be avoided on a Cancer Diet, so the best thing is to get the full list from a Doctor.

• Most Vegetables like Carrots, Spinach, Broccoli, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Lettuce, etc.
• Whole Grains like
• Fruits like Apples, Yellow(ripe)Bananas, Oranges & Lemons, Pineapple, Grapes, Papaya, most Berries, etc.
• Soy Milk
• Water & Mineral Water
• Fresh Fruit Juices
• Teas like Green Tea, Herbal Tea, etc
• Apple Cider Vinegar
• All Herbs.
Note: This is just a small list. There are more foods and drinks that you can consume while on a Cancer Diet, get the full list from a Doctor.




A Heart Disease Diet is quite restrictive. You need to eat Heart healthy foods by sticking to a low fat, low sodium diet. One is also encouraged to do 30 minutes of low to moderate exercise, at least three times a week. You also need to get your cholesterol levels, blood sugar, blood pressure and checked regularly.
•  Sugar & Artificial Sweeteners
•  Trans Fats e.g. in Cooking oils & Margarine
•  Saturated Fats e.g. Animal fats like Cheese, Butter, Cream, Lard & Ghee
•  Saturated Fats e.g. Vegetable fats like Coconut oil, Mayonnaise, Salad dressings & Palm oil,
•  Processed Foods & Condiments
•  Salt
•  Dairy Foods like, Milk, Cream & Cheese
•  Red Meat
•  Junk food
•  Spicy foods and hot spices
•  Coffee
•  All Sodas
•  Most Alcohol, like beer & hard liqueur.
•  Also all Tobacco & Cigarettes
•  Chocolate & Chocolate based drinks, like Cocoa & Hot Chocolate
•  Sweets, Candy & Sugar based Desserts

•  All Fruits like Apples, Yellow(ripe)Bananas, Oranges & Lemons, Pineapple, Grapes, Papaya, most Berries, etc.
•  All Vegetables like Carrots, Spinach, Broccoli, Cabbage, Cauliflower, etc.
•  All Whole Wheat products
•  Whole Grains & All Nuts
•  All Legumes
•  All Cereals & Oats
•  Lean Chicken & Turkey without the skin
•  All Seafood
•  Best Oil- Olive Oil
•  Red Wine




There are 3 types of Diabetes;
1. Type 1 Diabetes- diagnosed in children and young adults. The type of diabetes where the pancreas stops producing insulin.
2. Type 2 Diabetes- The type of diabetes where the pancreas does not produce enough insulin, or the insulin does not work.
3. Gestational Diabetes- diagnosed in pregnant women when the insulin does not work properly.
read more under Pregnancy Diet.
A Diabetes Diet involves controlling blood glucose levels. It is a Low Carbohydrate diet that does not allow Sugar, and high carbohydrate foods & drinks. You cannot skip meals and are actually encouraged to eat at least 6 small meals per day. Blood sugar levels should be checked daily. One is also encouraged to workout daily and follow the Glycemic Index. See Go to www.glycemicindex.com/.

•  Sugar
•  Salt
•  Processed Foods & Condiments
•  Regular Sodas
•  Sweets, Candy & Sugar based Desserts
•  Fried foods
•  Fatty foods
•  Junk food

•  Fruits. Count each small whole fruit, or half a cup of fruit as equaling 15 grams of carbohydrate
•  Non Starchy Vegetables like Asparagus,  Broccoli, Carrots, Cabbage, collard Greens, Kale, etc
•  All Dairy products, but low fat preferred
•  Eggs
•  Whole Grains & all Whole Wheat products
•  All Legumes
•  All Cereals & Oats
•  Lean Chicken & Turkey without the skin
•  Lean meat i.e. beef, pork, lamb, etc
•  All Seafood
•  All Nuts
•  Diet Sodas
•  Coffee
•  Moderate Alcohol allowed
•  Artificial Sweeteners
•  Sweets, Candy & Desserts made with  Artificial Sweeteners
•  Tobacco & Cigarettes- not encouraged but allowed




Being Pregnant and then finally delivering Baby is very exciting. Take care of yourself and your baby by eating right. Remember what you put in your mouth can pass through the Placenta and breast milk, and get to Baby. This could cause complications, so be very careful. You need foods that are rich in Vitamins, Calcium, Folic Acid, Iron, and Omega 3 Fats. Do not take any medication unless authorized by your doctor or midwife. They will most likely only allow you to take a pre-natal vitamin and any health related prescription drugs that will not harm the Baby. Steer clear of any foods that you have not prepared or cooked yourself because of bacteria's like E. Coli, Salmonella, Listeria, and Toxoplasma. You also need to store your food properly and ensure that you clean and store meats & poultry away from the rest of the food. Wash fruits and raw vegetables thoroughly. Always refrigerate foods and drinks. Follow the food and drink lists below carefully.There are many do's, and don'ts during pregnancy. It can get very confusing. Also as a new Mom, your Nutritional needs while breast-feeding are very important. See what foods to avoid below for both yours and your baby's health.

• Refined Sugar & Artificial Sweeteners
• Trans Fats e.g. in Cooking oils & Margarine
• Saturated Fats e.g. Animal fats like Cheese, Butter, Cream, Lard & Ghee
• Saturated Fats e.g. Vegetable fats like Coconut oil, Mayonnaise, Salad dressings & Palm oil,
• Processed Foods & Condiments
• Salt
• Fried foods
• Fatty foods
• Spicy foods e.g. Chili, Curry, Cayenne, etc
• Junk food
• All Unpasteurized products
• Sushi and most Seafood esp. High Mercury foods e.g. King Mackerel, Shark, Swordfish, Tilefish, scallops, mussels, oysters and clams
• Raw Eggs
• Homemade Ice-Cream- because of raw eggs
• Cake batter- because of raw eggs
• Cheese e.g. Feta, Goat Cheese, Brie, Queso and Blue Cheese.
• Deli or luncheon meats
• Meats spreads and pate e.g. Ham and Chicken
• Hot dogs- high in salt & nitrates
• Coleslaw
• Salad dressings made with eggs, e.g. Caesar
• Undercooked meats & poultry have to be well-done
• Holiday dressing and stuffing
• Fruits like Papaya & Pineapple
• All Caffeine e.g. in Coffee, Black Teas, Green Tea
• Energy drinks
• All Sodas
• All Alcohol
• Eggnog- because of raw eggs & Alcohol
• Egg based Desserts that are not fully cooked
• Chocolate & Chocolate based drinks, like Cocoa & Hot Chocolate
• Medication unless authorized by your doctor
• All Tobacco & Cigarettes

• Foods High in Folic Acid e.g.
• Eggs-completely cooked
• Cheese e.g. Mozzarella, Cheddar, Swiss and Cream Cheese.• Lean Meat and poultry-without the skin
• All Legumes, e.g. beans
• Omega 3 rich foods e.g. Eat Only Wild Salmon (12oz) once a week. Farm raised Salmon contains pesticides
• Whole Grains
• Whole Wheat
• All Vegetables- choose Organic to avoid pesticides
• Fruits like Apples, Yellow(ripe)Bananas, Oranges and Berries
• All Nuts
• All Cereals & Oats
• Best Oil- Olive Oil




High Cholesterol is very dangerous and needs to be put in check with a Low Cholesterol Diet, Low fat diet. You should be careful not go on an extremely Low Fat & High carbohydrate diet because this can increase Triglycerides in the blood & decrease good Cholesterol(HDL). One is also encouraged to do 30 minutes of low to moderate exercise, at least three times a week. You also need to get your Cholesterol HDL, LDL levels AND Triglycerides checked regularly.
A Blood test is used to determine a person's Total Cholesterol levels. LDL stands for Low-Density Lipoprotein, which is the Bad Cholesterol levels. HDL stands for High-Density-Lipoprotein which are the good Cholesterol levels. There's also the Triglycerides which are also measured.

Adults should aim at the following Cholesterol Levels;
• Less than 200mg/Dl is good.
• Between 200-239 mg/Dl is considered borderline.
• Over 240 mg/Dl is considered high.

•  Fried foods
•  Fatty foods
•  Spicy foods
•  Junk food
•  Dairy, milk, cream, butter
•  Eggs- very high Cholesterol
•  Sugar & Artificial Sweeteners
•  Trans Fats e.g. in Cooking oils & Margarine
•  Saturated Fats e.g. Animal fats like Cheese, Butter, Cream, Lard & Ghee
•  Saturated Fats e.g. Vegetable fats like Coconut oil, Mayonnaise, Salad dressings & Palm oil,
•  Processed Foods & Condiments
•  Salt
•  Dairy Foods like, Milk, Cream & Cheese
•  Red Meat
•  Coffee
•  All Sodas
•  Most Alcohol, like beer & hard liqueur.
•  Also all Tobacco & Cigarettes
•  Chocolate & Chocolate based drinks, like Cocoa & Hot Chocolate
•  Sweets, Candy & Sugar based Desserts

•  All Fruits like Apples, Yellow(ripe)Bananas, Oranges & Lemons, Pineapple, Grapes, Papaya, most Berries, etc.
•  All Vegetables like Carrots, Spinach, Broccoli, Cabbage, Cauliflower, etc.
•  All Whole Wheat products
•  Whole Grains & All Nuts
•  All Legumes
•  All Cereals & Oats
•  Lean Chicken & Turkey without the skin
•  All Seafood-Omega 3 rich foods e.g. Salmon, King Mackerel, Trout
•  Best Oil- Olive Oil
•  Red Wine
•  Pomegranate fruit & juice

Lower your Cholesterol with these 10 foods & drinks.

  1. Olive Oil
  2. Red Wine
  3. Vegetable Greens like Spinach
  4. Legumes- like beans
  5. Salmon
  6. Nuts- Almonds & Cashews
  7. Oats
  8. Teas- Black, Green
  9. Chocolate
  10. Avocado

Reference/Resource National cholesterol Education Program.




Celiac Disease Diet is a Gluten Free Diet. Foods containing Gluten sometimes damage the small intestine and this causes the Celiac Disease for some people. When this happens, they are put on a Gluten Free Diet. Gluten is a protein found in Wheat, Oats, Barley and Rye. Being put on a Gluten Free Diet means you cannot eat, drink or take any medications that contain any of these mentioned ingredients. 
People with Celiac Disease are more likely to have the following conditions:
• Autoimmune disorders e.g. Rheumatoid Arthritis
• Addison's disease
• Down Syndrome
• Intestinal Cancer & Lymphoma
• Lactose intolerance
• Thyroid Disease
• Type 1 Diabetes

•  All Breads
•  Oats
•  Pasta
•  Cakes, Biscuits, Cookies, & All Pastries
•  Oats
•  Cereals
•  Fried Foods
•  Fatty foods
•  Junk food
•  Spicy foods and hot spices e.g. Chili, Curry, Cayenne, etc
•  Gravy
•  Deli & Lunch Meats
•  Sauces & Salad Dressings
•  Beer Type Alcohol

•  All Fruits•  Low fat Dairy that's gluten free
 • Eggs
•  Rice
•  Legumes, like beans
•  All nuts
•  Corn
•  Sweet Potatoes
•  All nuts
•  Lean Meat
•  Lean Chicken & Turkey
•  All Seafood




Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a disorder of the lower intestinal tract. IBS causes diarrhea, constipation, and abdominal pain. It can also cause one to be Lactose intolerant. Sensitivity to some foods and also stress have been known to cause IBS.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome(IBS) can be managed by eating a high fiber diet which helps the intestines function better. Fiber helps with constipation.
There are 2 types of fiber you can eat:
• Soluble- this is found in fruits and legumes. Also found in over the counter Metamucil and Fiberall.
• Insoluble- this is found in Whole grains and vegetables.

• Dairy products if Lactose intolerant
• Fried foods
• Fatty foods
• Spicy foods e.g. Chili, Curry, Cayenne, etc
• Junk food
• Some Vegetables - cause gas & bloating e.g. Broccoli, Cabbage, Onions, Carrots, etc
• Beans - cause gas & bloating
• Some Fruits - e.g. Apples, Oranges, Lemons, Tangerines, Watermelon
• Wheat- too much fiber
• Barley- too much fiber
• Oats- too much fiber
• All Nuts
• Candy like Chocolate
• Garlic
• All Caffeine e.g. in Coffee, Black Teas, Green Tea
• All Sodas
• Alcohol
• Prune Juice
• Carbonated drinks- e.g. flavored water
• Artificial Sweeteners- like Splenda, Sweet'N Low and Equal, Sugar Free Gum.
• All Tobacco products




GERD stands for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. Heartburn is one of the symptoms of GERD and Acid Reflux. The difference between GERD and Acid Reflux is;
Acid Reflux  is a normal part of digestion, it occurs when stomach acids go from the stomach into the Esophagus. It can sometimes cause slight heartburn that can be controlled with over the counter medication like Tums, Milk of Magnesia or Pepto-Bismol but ultimately your diet has to change to control it completely an example is to avoid Spicy foods.
GERD on the other hand, is not a normal part of digestion. It is a very serious condition that occurs when there is an abnormal amount of stomach acids causing more than the needed reflux and it can cause Cancer of the Esophagus, painful Ulcers in the throat and tooth decay. Avoid food about 4 hours before bed, and do not lie down immediately after eating.

• Spicy foods and hot spices e.g. Chili, Curry, Cayenne, etc
• Fried foods
• Fatty foods
• Junk food
• Dairy Products like Cheese, Yogurt and Sour Cream with fat
• Some Fruits & Juices like Tomato, Orange, Grapefruit, Lemon, Cranberry
• Some Vegetables like Onions, Garlic, Ginger,
• Some Meats e.g. Sirloin and ground beef
• Hot dogs- nitrates
• Sauces and condiments- especially Tomato based e.g. Ketchup
• Salad dressings that are high fat, Creamy, vinegar based,
• Vinegar
• Chocolate
• All Caffeine e.g. in Coffee, Black Teas, Green Tea
• All Sodas
• Alcohol
• All Tobacco products




Menopause only affects WOMEN. It starts when a Woman's ovaries stop working. The normal age when Menopause starts is 50 but could even start as early as 30 or as late as 60. Take a Multivitamin everyday and exercise regularly. You will experience hot flashes and maybe even night sweets so avoid foods that cause hot flashes e.g. spicy foods, they will just add to the problem and make the woman even more miserable. She most likely will have difficulty losing weight and catching sleep. The woman may occasionally feel tired and even develop mood swings. All in all, it's a very tough time to adjust to the bodies changes. What can help? Diet is very important so every woman needs to eat foods that are rich in Vitamins, Calcium, Folic Acid, Iron, and Omega 3 Fats. Whether you are going through Menopause or not, train your body early in age by filling it with nutritious foods, and by working out regularly. Below are foods to avoid at this stage in life.
• Fried foods
• Fatty foods
• Spicy foods, e.g. Chili, Curry, Cayenne, etc
• Junk food
• Sugar
• Caffeine e.g. Coffee, Black Teas, Green Tea
• Limit Alcohol to once a week
• Regular Sodas
• Energy drinks
• All Tobacco products

• Foods High in Calcium, Folic Acid etc.
• Omega 3 rich foods
• All Dairy products• Lean Meat and poultry-no skin
• Omega 3 rich foods e.g. Eat Salmon (12oz) once a week
• All Vegetables
• All Fruits
• All Legumes
• All Nuts
• Whole grains
• Some Teas- e.g. herbal and caffeine free
• Alcohol- limit to once a week
• Artificial Sweeteners

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